Texas State 3MT® Instructions

First Steps to Competing

Below are instructions for the Preliminary Round of the Texas State University Three Minute Thesis® competition. Please follow the instructions closely to ensure you produce a great video and you have the best chance of advancing to the University Final.

Step 1: Register to Compete

Be sure to get your thesis or dissertation committee chair’s approval to compete before you register. Once you register, we will add you to a 3MT® Canvas site and email you with instructions about how to submit your video to this Canvas site.

Step 2: Prepare for the Preliminary Round

For the Preliminary Round, you will be required to record your presentation and submit it to The Graduate College. You must submit your static slide on the 3MT® Canvas course (you will be added 24 hours after registering). The Graduate College will format your slide as a Zoom background and return it to you via email.

Prior to recording your video:

  • see the judging criteria and presentation rules to ensure your presentation will follow the guidelines
  • remember that your audience is a general, and many people will not be familiar with your discipline, program, topic, or vocabulary
  • memorize your presentation: you will not be able to use notes or aids while recording your Preliminary Round video
  • practice by yourself, practice in front of a mirror, practice in front of family members, friends, your advisor, or anyone who will listen for three minutes; practice while recording yourself on your phone, so you get used to the camera recording your presentation
  • determine how you will keep precise time so that you do not go over 3 minutes in your presentation; we suggest using a three-minute timer on YouTube
  • we determine the time of the presentation based on your video submission; if we determine that you have gone over the allowed 3 minutes, then we will reject the recording and you will not be able to compete in 3MT® (even if you believe you were at or under 3 minutes)
  • Preliminary Round Video Guidelines

      • you must memorize your presentation; you are not allowed to use aids during the recording of your video (this includes the use of signs, notes, computers, laptops, phones, or anything else that allows you to see the text of your presentation. In addition, you cannot have anyone else in the room with you during your recording (not for coaching and not for support)
      • if we detect that you have used aids or human/artificial assistance during your recording, we will reject the recording and you will not be able to compete in 3MT®
      • your video presentation must be continuous; you will only be allowed to trim the beginning and end to remove the parts of the video where you are not presenting
      • you CAN edit when you are walking into the room and setting up your Zoom recording, but you cannot edit the three-minute presentation itself
      • no additional props (e.g., costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment, notes, laser pointers) are permitted.
      • presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum. Any presentation that exceeds 3 minutes will be disqualified
      • presentations are to be spoken word (e.g., no poems, raps, or songs)
      • presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through movement or speech
      • the decision of the adjudicating panel is final

      For your 3MT® presentation, you are only permitted one static PowerPoint slide that will be part of your Zoom background (see below for how to add the provided template slide to your Zoom background).

      • students are not allowed to use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2) to create their presentation videos. 
      • Each student is expected to create the presentation videos without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools.
    • Tips

      • Remember that the University community (faculty, friends, colleagues, and staff) and judges will be able to see your video during the preliminary round of People’s Choice selections. Thus, it is important to pay attention to all of the details below! You want to make the best recording possible. Refer to the evaluation criteria. While the judges and University community will be told to not consider the quality of the video (and instead, to focus on YOU and YOUR PRESENTATION), it will be hard for them to ignore a poor-quality video or a recording with lots of distractions (e.g., a dog barking, a cell phone notification).

        Wear professional, comfortable clothing for your preliminary round video recording. Avoid the following colors: bright green or maroon/burgundy. The bright green color creates a green screen effect, while the burgundy will blend into the template background. If you need assistance finding professional attire, check out TXST Career Services’ Career Closet service. You can borrow professional clothing for this special event and then bring it back free of charge.

        Choose the room where you present very carefully. Is there enough light? Is it soundproof? Is anyone going to walk in and accidentally interrupt you? Are there any distractions in the room (e.g., posters, etc. that will discourage people from focusing on the presentation or that might unintentionally negatively bias people watching the presentation)? The fewer distractions, the better. Turn off fans in the room. Turn off radios or televisions. And be sure to silence your notifications. Although our pets can be comforting, please find a room without pets to decrease any potential distractions or interruptions. 

        See the judging criteria and presentation rules to ensure your speech follows the guidelines. Watch previous 3MT® Texas State winners to see how they organized and delivered their presentations. Register for our Shop Talk, “3MT® Orientation and Tips.”

        PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Practice with friends, family, colleagues, your mirror, etc.!

        • one slide is required for your presentation
        • only one single static PowerPoint slide is permitted - no slide transitions, animations or “movement” of any description are allowed
        • the static slide is to be presented from the beginning to the end of the oration
        • you may include images, diagrams, or text to help illustrate your thesis or dissertation research; if you are unsure if an image is copyrighted, check with your committee chair or a TXST librarian
        • no additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) are permitted
        • the static slide must include your name, program (e.g., MS Biology, PhD, Geographic Education), and presentation title (not in all CAPS)

        You must submit your static slide on the 3MT® Canvas course (you will be added 24 hours after registering). The Graduate College will format your slide as a Zoom background and return it to you via email. This slide is due on October 3rd at midnight.


        • “Less is more” – don’t overcomplicate your slide
        • the slide should illustrate an important point, but don’t make it so complicated that the audience is figuring out the slide instead of listening to you
        • if you are using an analogy in your talk, you may want to represent the analogy on the slide
        • think of the slide not as the main part of your presentation but as a supporting visual aid
      • We recommend creating your Preliminary Round Three-Minute Thesis video using Zoom. For instructions on how to install and set up Zoom, refer to the Texas State Zoom Support page. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Carrington the Student Development Specialist II for Retention Initiatives at amc189@txstate.edu. 

        If you would prefer to use a campus resource to create your recording, you can reserve a space in the YouStar Studios in Alkek One. YouStar is a recording studio on the San Marcos campus where you can record your video with professional lighting and video equipment. A USB is required for recording and saving your video at YouStar Studios. Please note that Graduate College staff cannot help you with anything concerning YouStar Studios (including technical questions, room reservations, or how the equipment works). For assistance with YouStar, please contact Kira Wright, kirawright@txstate.edu. Refer to the YouStar webpage to reserve a studio or make an appointment for help with your video recording.

Step 3: Record Your Presentation

  1. Log into Zoom using your NetID: Texas State Zoom
  2. Make sure the version of Zoom you are using is up to date (click “Check for Updates” first, located in the menu under your profile icon).
  3. Once in Zoom, click the “New Meeting” button. 
  4. Make sure your camera is on and you are unmuted.
  5. On the bottom left corner, there is a video/camera button. Click the up arrow to the right of the camera icon.
  6. Click on “Choose Virtual Background.”
  7. On the right and in the middle of your screen, there is a “Plus” button. Click that button to proceed.
  8. Click “Add Image.” (This is where you will add your one static slide that we provided to you through email.)
  9. Once your image has been added, at the bottom center of the settings box you will see “Mirror My Video”. Please make sure this box is unchecked.
  10. Once completed, click the “X” to exit the settings pop-up menu.
  11. Your screen does not mirror you. Please stand to the left of your screen so that we can see your full slide.
  12. Make sure your device is far enough away to see you from the waist up (unless accommodations have been requested and approved).
  13. Check your audio and video inputs by making sure when you speak the microphone icon shows green wavelengths and you can see if your video is recording you by looking at the main window of the screen. Click the round record button at the bottom center part of the screen to start and stop recording. (In some cases, the record button may be under the “More” tab.) 
  14. When prompted, choose the option to record to your computer.
  15. Once your presentation is complete, press the red “End” button at the bottom right-hand side of your screen. 
  16. Then click “End Meeting for All.”
  17. Wait for the video to upload and processing to be completed. This can take a few minutes. Do not shut off your computer until you are certain that the upload is complete. 

Step 4: Submitting Your Video to The Graduate College

  1. Once the video has been downloaded to your computer, several files will open. The only file you need is the MP4 file .You can find this file by looking under “Type.”
  2. Rename that file to “LastName-FirstName-3MT2024” (Example: Smith-John-3MT2024). 
  3. Save this MP4 file on your desktop so you know where it is and can find it quickly for editing purposes. 
  4. On the 3MT® Canvas site under assignments, click on the 3MT® 2024 Preliminary Round Video Submission. 
  5. The top right of your screen next to the title of the assignment is a “Start Assignment” button.
  6. Once you have started the assignment you will be directed to a file upload drop down that will allow you to “choose file”. 
  7. You will select your video from Zoom that you saved on your desktop.
  8. Please note this assignment will only accept files as an MP4. Once you submit your Preliminary Round recording video as an MP4, if your video is more than one take please let us know the timeframe in the comment section of this assignment.  
  • Your recording may have multiple tries or takes of you attempting your submission. We need to know which take you would like to move forward with. 
  • An example of what you should submit: I select the take from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 5 minutes and 29 seconds. 
  1. Remember that you cannot edit the presentation! You must submit the presentation from start to finish. You can only edit material that is NOT part of the three-minute presentation (e.g., if you are walking into the room to set up your recording session).
  2. Be sure your video is named correctly (LastName-FirstName-3MT2024) 
  3. Reminder: Once your video is submitted you cannot edit or make any changes.