Graduate College Scholarship

The Graduate College scholarship encourages students with intellectual, creative, and leadership promise to complete a master's or doctoral degree at Texas State University. These scholarships are available for continuing students and are offered annually. The application period for the Graduate College scholarship is October 1 through February 1.

Award Details

The Graduate College scholarship provides $1,000 per semester for one, two, or three semesters, starting with the fall semester as recommended by the scholarship selection committee and approved by the dean of The Graduate College. Scholarships are awarded for the academic year (fall, spring, and summer) and disbursed each semester for which they have been awarded.

The Graduate College scholarship will fund only courses that apply to your degree. For example, if your degree plan only requires six hours of thesis course work, the scholarship will not fund thesis courses beyond the six-hour requirement.

Enrollment Requirements

If awarded, you must meet the following requirements:

  • enroll in at least six hours of graduate-level (5000 or above) courses leading to the degree for each awarded semester

  • maintain a 3.5 cumulative graduate GPA 


If you are applying for the Graduate College scholarship, you must be a current student in a face-to-face or hybrid master's or doctoral program at Texas State University.

GPA Requirements

  • Students have a minimum 3.5 GPA in all completed graduate course work.

  You must reapply for the Graduate College scholarship each academic year.

Application Requirements

First, you must sign into the Bobcat Online Scholarship System (BOSS) and complete the general application. The additional items below must also be submitted through BOSS in order to complete your Graduate College scholarship application.

  • current resume (two pages or less), including:
    • name
    • address
    • email
    • education (degrees or special certifications)
    • professional experience
    • scholarship activity, awards, and/or special recognitions
    • articles or presentations 
    • selected community activity
    • other information pertinent to your program and/or demonstrating your intellectual, creative, and leadership promise
  • essay (no more than 200 words) expressing your career objectives and reasons for selecting your graduate program
  • three letters of recommendation from professional individuals familiar with your academic background and ability, specifically your intellectual, creative, and leadership promise (including two letters from professors) 

  Resumes and essays that exceed the page/word limit will not be reviewed.

  Letters of recommendation submitted for previous scholarship or admissions applications will not be transferred to your current scholarship application(s). However, you can request recommendation letters from the same references through the online scholarship application system, which will provide them with submission instructions.

Deadline: February 1*

*The deadline has been extended to February 15, 2025

If you have not yet been admitted for graduate studies, you must complete the following items by February 1: 

  1. your scholarship application

We strongly encourage you to start the scholarship application process as early as possible to ensure that you will be able to complete your application(s) by February 1 (the deadline has been extended to February 15, 2025).

Selection Process

Awards will be given to the best-qualified applicants as determined by a selection committee from each college. The selection committee will make its recommendations to the dean of The Graduate College, who will make the final decision.


You must notify the graduate dean if you are in one of the following situations:


Please visit our frequently asked questions page for more information or email