Deans & Staff


Headshot of Dr. Andrea Golato

Dr. Andrea Golato


Headshot of Dr. Patti Giuffre

Dr. Patti Giuffre

Associate Dean, Retention

Headshot of Dr. Clay Green

Dr. Clay Green

Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives & Research

Headshot of Dr. Donna Vandiver

Dr. Donna Vandiver

Associate Dean, Recruitment & Online 

Administrative Support

Janet Weitz

Senior Administrative Assistant
(graduate dean and graduate faculty support)

Graduate Degree Audit Specialists

(candidates; curriculum and degree audits; letters of completion, good standing, and anticipated graduation)

Courtney Stevens

(College of Fine Arts and Communication; College of Liberal Arts)

Austin Hoeft

(McCoy College of Business Administration; College of Health Professions; College of Science and Engineering)

Lindsi Wharton

(College of Applied Arts; College of Education)

For all degree audit inquiries, please email

Graduate Funding Specialists

Dr. Andrea Hilkovitz

External Funding Coordinator
(external funding including scholarships, fellowships and grants)

Dr. Brian Smith

External Funding Coordinator
(external funding including scholarships, fellowships and grants)

Cathlin Noonan

External Funding Coordinator  
(external funding including scholarships, fellowships, and grant applications for undergraduates pursuing graduate study)

Lynnette Lombardo

Graduate Funding Specialist  
(internal funding including student travel, scholarships and fellowships, graduate assistantships)


Abigail Miller

(probation/suspension, security access requests, advisor training, special appeals and problems, special projects)

Publications Writer

Kate Malazonia

(GradBulletin; social media; webmaster; external communications; publicity materials including graduate program brochures)

Recruiting Coordinator

Austin Allen

(coordinate recruiting events and New Graduate Student Orientation)

Student Development Specialist II

Ashley Carrington

(plan and schedule retention workshops and events)

Systems Support Analyst

Mark Burrow

(analysis, evaluation, and response to requests for data; assistance with development of reports and new technological systems; hardware/software)