Amrit (AJ) Singh Awarded AAUW International Fellowship

The Graduate College is happy to congratulate Amrit (AJ) Singh, master’s student in communication disorders, on her American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowship. This marks only the second time a Texas State student has received this award! The AAUW is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls and provides a myriad of programs, including funding, to help support students. The International Fellowship supports full-time graduate and postgraduate study or research in the United States by women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Since only approximately 50 International Fellowships are awarded annually, AJ’s award is a true tribute to her passion for making a difference in the lives of women and her dedication to her studies in neuro, vocal, and swallowing disorders. AJ is from Malaysia, where there is a lack of speech-language pathologists. She became interested in studying communication disorders after her grandmother passed away due to a stroke. She hopes to use her education and training to help individuals like her grandmother.
AJ believes that, while the application process was hard work, it reaffirmed her that one must put their mind and energy into making something happen. AJ would like to thank external funding coordinator Dr. Andrea Hilkovitz as well as all her recommenders and her family for all their support and for believing in her.